Join us and ai@cam for the launch of Atomic Human: Understanding Ourselves in the Age of AI, a visionary new book from Neil D. Lawrence on the evolution of human and machine intelligence.

6 June 2024 | 17:00 – 18:30 BST | In-person location TBC

Professor Neil D. Lawrence is the inaugural DeepMind Professor of Machine Learning at the University of Cambridge where he leads the University’s flagship mission on AI, ai@cam. He has been working on machine learning models for over 25 years. He returned to academia in 2019 after three years as Director of Machine Learning at Amazon.

Prof Lawrence’s main interest is the interaction of machine learning with the real world. His latest book, Atomic Human, reveals the technical origins, capabilities and limitations of AI systems, and how they should be wielded; not just by the experts, but also ordinary people. It outlines how we can choose the future we want – either one where AI is a tool for us, or where we become a tool of AI – and how to counteract the digital oligarchy to maintain the fabric of an open, fair, and democratic society.

Our Executive Director Professor Gina Neff will host a conversation with Prof Lawrence about the book and his research. The talk will explore human identity, society’s fascination with AI, and our oft misplaced fears about AI futures.


This event will be recorded.

Copies of the book will be available at the event. It is also available for purchase online.