Credit: Igor Sporynin for Unsplash

Gina Neff joins a panel to discuss a nationally representative survey of the British public

14:00 BST

Tuesday 6 June, 2023


In late 2022 the Ada Lovelace Institute and The Alan Turing Institute conducted a nationally representative survey of over 4,000 members of the British public, to understand their awareness, experience and attitudes towards different uses of artificial intelligence (AI), including views and expectations on how these technologies should be regulated and governed. Following on from the publication of the report, this event will explore the key findings of the research.

About the event

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology and its widespread use in many aspects of daily life is developing at a rapid pace. It is therefore crucial to understand how people currently experience the many applications of AI, including people’s general awareness of these technologies, how they perceive the benefits and concerns, and whether their attitudes differ across key demographic factors. To effectively inform the design of policy responses, it is also important to understand people’s views on how these technologies should be governed and regulated.

To answer these questions, The Alan Turing Institute and the Ada Lovelace Institute partnered to conduct a new, nationally representative survey of the British public’s attitudes towards, and experiences of, AI. While previous surveys have tackled related questions, there remain several gaps in our understanding of public attitudes to AI.

Gina Neff joins research leads from The Alan Turing Institute and the Ada Lovelace Institute as they delve into some of the key findings, explain the methodology and answer questions.


14:00 – Welcome and introduction – Andrew Strait

14:05 – Key findings – Florence Enock and Roshni Modhvadia

14:15 – Initial responses from panellists – Helen Margetts, Shannon Vallor, Ben Lyons and Gina Neff

14:30 – Moderated Q&A – Helen Margetts, Shannon Vallor, Ben Lyons and Gina Neff. Chaired by Andrew Strait

15:00 – Closing remarks – Andrew Strait