The flyer for the event - information from the flyer is included on the event page
Image credit: Westminster Employment Forum

Professor Gina Neff will give a keynote speech at this half-day professional conference

This half-day conference will discuss key emerging issues relating to the impact of AI on employment and workplaces in the UK, implications for employers and the workforce, and options for legislation and regulation.

This is a pay to attend conference hosted by the Westminster Employment Forum.

30 April – Online

It will be an opportunity to assess issues emerging from The impact of AI on UK jobs and training report published by the Department for Education in November, alongside the AI Safety Summit 2023 organised by the UK Government. Delegates will also examine the TUC AI taskforce’s proposed AI and Employment Bill, due for publication early this year, which will put forward measures for legislation and regulation to protect workforces and employers as the use of AI in businesses grows.

Key stakeholders and policymakers will assess options for policy, education and industry practice to address concerns relating to job security, and to ensure that the greater use of automation does not distort employment and sector markets.

The keynote speakers are:

Stuart Morrison, Chief Researcher, British Chambers of Commerce;

Professor Gina Neff, Executive Director, Minderoo Centre for Technology & Democracy, University of Cambridge;

and Nimmi Patel, Head of Skills, Talent and Diversity, techUK.

The conference will be an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who are due to attend from DBT; Defra; Department for the Economy, NI; Department of Education, NI; Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform, ROI; DESNZ; DfE; DFHERIS, ROI; DfT; DHSC; DLUHC; DSIT; Dstl; DWP; FSA; GLD; GO-Science; HMRC; Home Office; House of Commons Library; HSE; ICO; IPO; MOD; NAO; Ofcom; ONS; Transport Scotland; The Scottish Government; and the Welsh Government.