Join this webinar to discuss the priorities for the UK’s AI Safety Summit.


17:00 BST/12:00 EDT

Monday, October 23 2023

In the early days of World War II, the British Service repurposed mansions at Bletchley Park to house a large team of codebreakers.

These individuals, mainly academics, used an early form of artificial intelligence to break German code and in so doing, protect the British people.

Some 80 years later, the UK government announced it would host the first international summit on AI Safety at Bletchley Park on November 1-2 UK officials stated that they had identified two very broad types of AI risks– misuse (as example using AI to cause chaos or harm) and loss of control risks.

Some NGOs criticised the planners for not focusing on more immediate risks to individuals.

In this webinar, our three speakers will examine if these are the most important and immediate risks;  what risks should be the central concerns of policymakers, and what are the best regulatory policies to mitigate such risks.

The moderator will discuss these issues for the first 30 minutes and the next 30 will be open to audience questions.


-Gina Neff, Professor and Director, Minderoo Centre for Technology and Democracy, University of Cambridge

– Katie Shilton, Associate Professor Information Science, University of Maryland

-Tom Goldstein, Professor and Director of Center for Machine Learning, University of Maryland


-Susan Ariel Aaronson, Research Professor and Director, Digital Trade and Data Governance Hub, GWU