Houses of Parliament
Credit: Shreyas Sane for Unsplash

We have submitted written evidence to the UK Parliament for a new inquiry into the governance of artificial intelligence (AI)

The Minderoo Centre for Technology and Democracy has submitted written evidence prepared by Dr Ann Kristin Glenster, Senior Policy Advisor on Technology Governance and Law, to the UK Parliament’s Science and Technology Committee Inquiry into governance of artificial intelligence (AI).

Over the last few years, so-called artificial intelligence technologies have emerged in most sectors, whether these are public or private. While these technologies have brought, and continue to bring, phenomenal benefits to a wide range of society, they also pose new risks to privacy, civil liberties, and democratic values, including equitable justice.

We recommend the adoption of a comprehensive binding statutory governance framework to ensure that the balance between various stakeholders underpins the use of AI technologies in the UK, and that these technologies are used in a proportionate and responsible way.

Our submission covered three questions:

-What measures could make the use of AI more transparent and explainable to the public?

-Are the current options for challenging the use of AI adequate and, if not, how can they be improved?

-What are the current strengths and weaknesses of current arrangements, including for research?


Our recommendations to the Science and Technology Committee for the governance of artificial intelligence (AI) are:

-To adopt a binding statutory framework to govern the use of AI technologies.

-To adopt mandatory transparency rules obliging users of AI technologies to explain to regulators how AI uses data and the effects that their use may have on individuals, including their impact on civil liberties and privacy.

-To adopt mandatory transparency rules obliging users of AI technologies to explain to individuals the use of personal data and the effects AI technologies may have for individuals.

-To adopt mandatory data minimisation rules including requirements to anonymise and pseudonymise data whenever possible Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).

-To adopt a mandatory complaint procedure overseen by an independent ombudsman with powers to fine users of AI technologies and to award individuals compensation

-To adopt a statutory-based Code of Conduct securing researchers’ access to data on the use of AI technologies for research purposes

Read our written evidence