The Task Force is a body of leading practitioners and researchers focused on establishing a framework for ethical and inclusive public engagement practices in the field of AI.

Research Associate, Louise Hickman, has joined the Partnership on AI’s Global Task Force for Inclusive AI. This first-of-its-kind body created to ensure that those who are impacted by AI are more directly involved in its creation.

Composed of leading voices in the AI field, this cross-sectoral group (including individuals drawn from industry, academic, and civil society organizations) follows up on the call in the White House’s Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights for inclusive development of automated technologies.

The initial members of PAI’s Global Task Force for Inclusive AI are

  • Juanis Catalina Becerra Sandoval, Research Scientist, IBM Research
  • Anna Colom, Public Participation and Research Lead, Ada Lovelace Institute
  • Bill Curtis-Davidson, Co-director, Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology
  • Remi Denton, Staff Research Scientist, Google Research
  • Seeta Peña Gangadharan, Associate Professor, London School of Economics & Political Science
  • Adriana Alvarado Garcia, Research Scientist, IBM Research
  • Lara Groves, Researcher, Ada Lovelace Institute
  • Louise Hickman, Senior Research Associate, Minderoo Centre for Technology and Democracy
  • Jerremy Holland, Director of AI Research, Apple
  • Ken Holstein, Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Jason Edward Lewis, Professor, Concordia University
  • Emanuel Moss, Sociotechnical Systems Research Scientist, Intel Labs
  • Wilneida Negrón, Director of Policy and Research, Coworker
  • Afsaneh Rigot, Senior Researcher, ARTICLE 19 and Harvard University
  • Lauren Wilcox, Senior Staff Research Scientist & Group Manager, Google Research

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