Gina Neff joined the Ada Lovelace Institute and The Alan Turing Institute to discuss a new report examining the British public’s attitudes towards AI.

In late 2022 the Ada Lovelace Institute and The Alan Turing Institute conducted a nationally representative survey of over 4,000 members of the British public, to understand their awareness, experience and attitudes towards different uses of artificial intelligence (AI), including views and expectations on how these technologies should be regulated and governed.

Following on from the publication of the report, this event explores the key findings of the research.


Andrew Strait, Ada Lovelace Institute


Florence Enock, The Alan Turing Institute

Roshni Modhvadia, Ada Lovelace Institute


Helen Margetts, The Alan Turing Institute and University of Oxford

Shannon Vallor, The Alan Turing Institute and University of Edinburgh

Ben Lyons, Centre for Data Ethics & Innovation (CDEI)

Gina Neff, Minderoo Centre for Technology and Democracy, University of Cambridge